Different Stacks for Different Tasks

With Deimos you don’t have to choose just one cloud. We can assist you with multi-cloud strategies where you cherry-pick the best solutions for each use case from the cloud platform that does it best. And if a subset of workloads are best left on-premise, we will help you plan and implement a hybrid cloud solution.


What Is a Multi-Cloud Approach?

A multi-cloud architecture involves the use of multiple cloud service providers to meet an organisation's computing needs. Using this approach, businesses can distribute their workloads across different cloud platforms simultaneously, leveraging the strengths of each provider.

When Would a multi-Cloud Architecture Be Preferable?

Risk Mitigation

By diversifying across multiple cloud providers, organisations can mitigate the risk of service outages or disruptions. If one provider faces issues, workloads can seamlessly shift to another, ensuring continuous operations.

Vendor Lock-In Avoidance

Adopting a multi-cloud strategy helps organisations avoid dependence on a single vendor. This freedom allows businesses to negotiate better pricing, take advantage of unique services offered by each provider, and maintain flexibility in adapting to evolving technology trends.

Optimized Performance

Different cloud providers excel in specific areas. For instance, Google Cloud might be preferred for Kubernetes workloads, while AWS has a robust serverless offering. A multi-cloud approach allows organisations to optimise performance by selecting the most suitable cloud provider for each workload.

What Is Our Approach To Multi-Cloud Architectures?

At Deimos, we believe that containerization is the future of the cloud. Each of the public cloud providers has some flavour of Kubernetes. 

With the power of Kubernetes and the portability of containers, we can simplify multi-cloud computing. 

Through the use of open-source databases and tooling, we can build solutions that are comfortable in any public cloud.



What Is a Hybrid-Cloud Approach?

A hybrid-cloud architecture combines on-premises infrastructure with cloud services, creating a unified and integrated computing environment. This model allows organisations to orchestrate workloads seamlessly between on-premises data centres and public or private clouds.

When Would a hybrid-Cloud Architecture Be Preferable?

Data Security and Compliance

Industries with stringent data security and compliance requirements, such as healthcare and finance, often prefer a hybrid-cloud approach. Sensitive data can be kept on-premises, while less critical workloads leverage the scalability of the cloud.

Variable Workloads and Bursting

Organisations experiencing fluctuating workloads can benefit from a hybrid-cloud model. During peak periods, they can leverage the scalability of the cloud to handle increased demand, while maintaining a stable on-premises infrastructure for baseline workloads.

Legacy System Integration

Businesses with existing on-premises infrastructure and legacy systems may opt for a hybrid-cloud approach to gradually transition to the cloud. This allows them to modernise without disrupting critical operations and extend the lifespan of legacy applications.

Developer Productivity

Hybrid-cloud architectures offer developers the flexibility to choose the best environment for specific tasks. Critical components can reside on-premises for data security, while non-sensitive components can leverage the cloud for scalability. This flexibility enhances developer productivity by providing the right tools for the job.

Enhanced Agility

The ability to deploy applications across both on-premises and cloud environments allows organisations to accelerate their time to market. Developers can take advantage of cloud resources for rapid prototyping, testing, and scaling, while ensuring that core components remain secure on-premises. This agility contributes to faster development cycles and innovation.

What is Our Approach to Hybrid Cloud Architectures?

At Deimos, we believe that containerization is the future of the cloud. The portability of containers allows for simplified hybrid-cloud architectures.

With tooling such as Google Cloud Anthos, Amazon EKS Anywhere, Azure Stack, and Rancher, building a hybrid-cloud environment becomes possible for any team.

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